Frequently Asked Questions

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How do I know if an item is in stock?

You can see the stock availability of a product in the store of your choice

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Do you have a delivery service?

MOBELLA offers a flat rate delivery service to your home or business starting at $59. If you choose to have your items delivered, simply speak to an MOBELLA Co-worker for more details.

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When are you open? Are you open on holidays?

Check your local MOBELLA store page for regular and holiday hours

Click and Collect

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Where should I pick up my Click and Collect order?

Park your vehicle in the loading area near the exit. Go in the exit door to the furniture pick-up area. Look for the Click and Collect sign.

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Where can I view the status of my order?

You can visit the order pick up status page

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How will I know my order is ready?

You’ll receive an email to notify you when your order is ready for pickup.

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What documentation is required when I pick up my order?

Please bring the following documents with you when you pick up your order:

• A printed or digital copy of this email

• A government or state-issued photo ID

Product Information

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Why are some items sometimes out of stock?

We strive to maintain availability of all items listed in our catalog. However, due to the success of a particular item or supply delays, it is possible that an item can be temporarily out of stock. Most times, our store co-workers can provide delivery information on an out of stock item. products are manufactured all over the world and there are many circumstances that can sometimes impact supply. Simply go to the product page of the item you want to check stock for and choose your local location, then click on the

"Check Stock" button.

Delivery Information

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How do I contact the carrier who will deliver to me?

The phone number for the delivery company that will deliver your merchandise will be found on your Home Delivery contract.

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An item is missing or damaged during my delivery. What should I do?

Please call the IKEA US Contact Center at 1-888-888-4532 for questions about your delivery.

Services Information

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What happens if there is an issue with my Assembly?

If a problem occurs with your assembly please call the IKEA US Contact Center at 1-888-888-4532 for resolution. Please have your receipt and order number available.